Fallout Holy Hand Grenade

2020. 1. 24. 10:54카테고리 없음

Fallout Holy Hand Grenade
  1. Fallout New Vegas Holy Hand Grenade Mod

RE: Holy hand grenade.font size=1' color='#FF0000LAST EDITED ON Nov-26-00 AT 08:22PM (GMT)pI believe you are about to be lambasted by the message board readers for making such a claim. Yes anyone can see the HHG second encounter with the vorpal rat by hitting control+r at the start-up menu,as was pointed out by a earlier post.Also by using conrol+r you would not be able to enter the caves.It didn't make the final cut of the game because it was too buggy.Nekron'wrens livers.oselots spleens.otters noses.gannet ripple.' RE: Holy hand grenade. (ATTN: REVIL)Though, considering his first time through here.I'll append to Shadowman's decision, with an addition.Revil, you have 72 hours from THIS POST to prove your claim. Send zipped screenshots and/or save games to, and I will post them somewhere, perhaps on my FTP server, for people to verify. Or you can upload the pictures here or to somewhere else and post the URL where they could be found.Minus that by the deadline, or if that proves to be bogus, then I'm sorry. It's the final chance you have, considering the Elvis NPC, Atomic bomb, and BFG posts from before.An excerpt to refresh everyone's memory:'I am talking about creation Nuclear Bomb in Fallout 2.I don't care if you belive me or, not i say it IS possible.

You must have some uranium ore and chemestry journals.BFG from Quake is also here. (damage 666-666, every hit is critical).An I forgot 1 thingie.

Do you know where Vogon Poetry book is? (In Arroyo, sure, but the hell where?)'After which, you then kept going on with:'When I first mentioned Atomic bomb, i meant A-Bomb in fallout2 (Can only be created in gecko, with blowing-up a reactor, you need uranium ore and chemestry journals). When i mentioned BFG I meant that there IS BFG(Big Fucking Gun-the same as in quake, 666-666 dmg., Micro fusion cells, every hit=critical).Do you know about Elvis? When you have collected 5x Elvis's image (fuzzy painting) and you go to Father Tully in New Reno, and you are female, base charisma 10, Sex appeal, he will tell you where to find him.(Very good companion).E.g. Do anybody know where is Vogon poetry book in Arroyo hidden?' And then tried to excuse yourself with blaming it all on Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy:'I am sorry, I really thought, that these pieces of shit are true.I have read hitchhikers guide to galaxy, where I got all of this bullshit and for a moment i BELIEVED (So many fucking lies, how I could??).I made that mistake, that before posting it here I didn't try it (I couldn't, I have uninstalled my Ffallout2).I am very sorry, so accept it.E.g.

Left 4 Dead 2 Workshop Kaizen's Workshop Fallout: Holy frag grenade This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community &.

  • Mar 28, 2011 - How to find the 'Holy Hand Grenade' Easter Egg in Fallout: New Vegas. In camp searchlight on the east side of camp, there is a church.
  • Nuka Grenade is an Explosive Weapon in Fallout 4. All explosives are affected by the Demolition Expert perk.This Weapon, like other explosives, is single-use only. Nuka Grenade Information. Rare and very powerful.
Fallout nv holy hand grenade

Fallout New Vegas Holy Hand Grenade Mod

Who was BOS SteelKnight?' I was about to let it slide, and let you slink away into anonymity.Now, you pull this shit.My stance on it (again):If someone is going to:1. Spread BS about items in the game.2. Create fictional items and try to, however impossibly, pass it through the scrutiny of the learned (I mean, come ON! There's people who have taken the data files apart, and know this shit! Who the hell do these fuckwits think they're foolin'?)3.

Try to maintain their BS lies and stories without a little thing. One little, minor fact that makes people.possibly. believe them. It's called proof.Those who have been mucking around in the dat files and have picked apart much of everything else know that the HHG encounter is impossible to get in a normal game.Just because for some damn reason I'm feeling extremely merciful tonight.Revil, if you don't send me proof within the alotted time limit (and I don't care to hear excuses), then you will be banned. I'm sorry, but that's the end of the line. If you send me proof and it's been found to be doctored or the same screenshot we've all seen, or one taken from the map shortcut, then you are gone.

If you come clean, and here's where I'm merciful tonight, and admit you are pulling our chains, then you might be allowed to stay. If you are allowed to stay, if you post anything more that even remotely smells of bullshit, you'll be staring at a 403 error as fast as Miroslav can put it in.If you had been reading the board, you would have known the outcome of the last person who tried this, and it doesn't look good for you at all. To me, at this point, it looks like you are bullshitting us again. RE: Holy hand grenade.font size=1' color='#FF0000LAST EDITED ON Dec-11-00 AT 06:04AM (GMT)pWell, the sign outside of NCR says it best:'A dumbass will get their butt kicked just as quick as a smartass'If this guy would've bothered to do his research, he (or she, I'm an equal opportunity berater) would have known that several morons have pulled this exact shit before, and it doesn't fly here. I still remember the days of B.O.S.

Knight, and rue them in my most annoying nightmares. If this Revil guy had done his homework, he would have known the standard procedure for bastards who insist on smearing this kind of stuff all over the boards. Not that it even matters, because his failure to re-post indicates to me that he just did this for the hell of it and got the hell out of dodge.' Submit to my power or I shall mow you down with my laser eye rays and the power of bran!'

A Reading from the Book of Armaments, Chapter 4, Verses 16 to 20: Then did he raise on high, saying, 'Bless this, O Lord, that with it thou mayst blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy.' And the people did rejoice and did feast upon the lambs and toads and tree-sloths and fruit-bats and orangutans and breakfast cereals. Now did the Lord say, 'First thou pullest the Holy Pin. Then thou must count to three.

Three shall be the number of the counting and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither shalt thou count two, excepting that thou then proceedeth to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the number of the counting, be reached, then lobbest thou in the direction of thine foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall.'

Fallout Holy Hand Grenade